Monday, September 12, 2005

Luxurious Decadence of Opulent Proportions

Well, we’re all moved in. Apart from the fact that we have no furniture (except for two plastic chairs and mattresses on the floor), no cooking utensils, no stove, and no curtains, we are living in veritable luxury!

Oh, and there is no running water, because the city decided to work on the water supply just as we were moving in. But other than that, we are living like kings!

Our first meal was a delectable feast! We had pasta and some random vegetable stew made by soaking it in boiled water until it was edible. Mmmm….

Here are a few pictures that will give you an idea of the absolute decadence we are enjoying!

Our comfortable sofa (also pulls out into a bed!)...

Our wide-screen TV…

My expansive bedroom…

Now you have a better idea of the opulent lifestyle I have begun. I know that at times, it’s a bit much, but I feel like I deserve it. I mean, I’ve really worked hard this year!


Enjoy your food and running water!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Barry - love what you've done with your place, especially the big screen tv.
I have to share an interesting story with you that is a direct result of something you wrote on your website:

"Here’s another lesson I’ve been learning here… how to be a faithful visionary. I’ve learned to stop asking God for little things and to start expecting big results instead!

Quite a departure from the way I used to pray (if I prayed at all)… “Dear God, can you please help John to become a Christian, or at least to maybe be nicer? If you have the time of course…” Now the same prayer would be more like “God, I know it’s your will for John to be saved. But I want you to go farther. I want you to make John into a pastor!”

I read that the other day and it has been running in the back of my mind ever since. Most mornings I go to Starbucks for tea on the way to work - not always the same store but I am starting to know and be known at some spots. This morning one of my Starbucks friends was already having a rough day and she really just needed some one to talk to/listen to her. So I did and I tried to encourage her and sympathized with her as much as I could communicate across the counter. But towards the end of our chat I told her that I would pray for her. She almost started to cry and said, "thank you! I need that". I'm sure that did something for her but I know that it did something for me. I can be bold about my faith when I am with other people that I know are on a journey with God or that I know are at least a little curious about God. But I am not so courageous around people who I don't know where they're at in terms of a relationship with God. I am afraid of offending them or coming across like a Bible-thumper. Do you know what I mean? But your blog from the other night really spoke to me and gave me the confidence to tell this woman I would pray for her. It made my day to think that God would use me like that and honour me with an opportunity to serve Him. I'm going back to Starbucks tomorrow morning and I'll see this girl again. I don't know what will happen but something has started. You had a part to play in it and I thought I should let you know how God used you in my life.
Have an awesome day.

Eness Jarvis =)